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Lily Meola | A Day In The Life

What inspired this album and its title song "Daydream"?
This album is a collection of songs that I've written over the past few yeras as I grew and experienced all the emotions that life threw my way. A bit of an emotional roller coaster I'd say..
As for Daydream itself, I wrote it at a very high point on this roller coaster. I was so happy with the life I was creating for myself and wanted others around me to exprerience this feeling. It's been a while since I wrote the song and to be honest I've endured some major peaks and valleys along the way. I now find myself taking my own advice. It's as if I wrote it for my future self.

What are the biggest influences on your musical and/or vocal sound?
I have a very wide range of music that inpires me. Stretching from Joni Mitchell to J. Cole. Both of those examples are very good with their words. When someone says something that makes you stop and think, huge kudos.

You've already collaborated with some legendary artists, by the likes of Willie Nelson, Krist Kristofferson, Steven Tyler and Sammy Hagar, just to name a few. Is there anyone else you'd like to work with?
Yeah I've gotten very lucky..
If we're dreaming big ... Carole King, also wouldn't ming Frank Ocean haha

How does your relationship with nature affect your music?
My relationship with nature gives me the perspective to write about the things that really mean something to me. Sometimes it's easy to get lost in your work and let the little things bother you... but when you take a step outside and zoom out it's like giving your brain a bath. Haha.

Where do you get your inspiration for your style?
I think I get my style inspiration from my mom, she worked in the fashion industry in NYC and had the most beautiful wardrobe. As a little girl I remember being so excited to one day fit into her clothing. She was also a seamstress so I was lucky because she would help custom make outfits that I envisioned with her.

What do you like about RVCA?
I love RVCA for many reasons, but mostly for its focus on the balance of opposites. It is a big family of incredible, diverse and talented humans that all seamlessly meld very well together. I also think RVCA doesn't play it safe when it comes to fashion, every season there is something that I think is cutting edge and amazing. And that is sooo refreshing.

Now that the album it out, what's next on the horizion for you?
The plan is to continue releasing new music and then get back in the studio to write the next one! Also, I want to play as many shows as possible!